Monday, 8 June 2009

How Water Helps You Lose Weight in Safe Diets

We are all seeking safe diets that will help us lose weight quickly, but not kill us in the process. Right? Here's an easily overlooked factor that should be included in ALL safe diets...

The big theory - that water plays an important role in safe diets - is very popular and widespread. It is generally accepted as a key element in safe diets and few if any people argue it's effectiveness. When it comes to losing weight, we can use all the tips and pointers we can get, so let's check it out.

It seems simplistic, but safe diets are all about one thing, burning more calories than we take in. Sounds easy enough, how does water fit in?

Water is unique in that it has no calories and you never have to think twice about drinking it! Drink all you want - it's good for you! Not only do you never have to worry about it, most of us don't get enough! Make it a regular daily habit. Water helps safe diets in a myriad of ways...

First...Being calorie free means it can't screw up your diet! No extra weight gain there! In fact, drinking water before and with your meals will help you control your appetite and eat less.

Second...your system is full of toxins. Water helps to flush them out. It also helps hydrate your blood, cleanse the kidneys, assist the liver and more. There are quite a few health and general well being benefits.

Third...your brain function is enhanced by drinking water throughout the day! When you haven't been drinking enough, you start to feel tired, headachy and sluggish. Most of us have been living with these symptoms our whole lives and never realized the cause of them. A glass in the morning will help you feel alive and alert.

All safe diets tell you to eliminate sugar based drinks. Carbonated sodas, sugared fruit juices and so on. What to drink instead? Many of us reach for diet drinks, but they contain chemicals that are VERY bad for you. Water is the answer of course.

Not only are carbonated beverages packed with sugar (and sodium), but they also contain bunches of carcinogenic chemicals and food coloring. Some cause cancer, others mess up your hormonal balance, some are addictive (caffeine) and some damage brain cells.

If your diet includes them, it's not one of the safe diets and you should stop right away. They're just empty calories that pack on the pounds and offer no nutritional value. It is a challenge at first, but once you are weaned off them, you'll never return.

Try getting a water filter if you don't like the taste of the water from your faucets. Actually, you should get a filter even if the taste is no problem. Other choices could be to buy spring water.

Different brands taste differently so try several to find the one that is most to your liking.

Though it will help fill you up, water is NEVER a food substitute. Think of it as a supplement. You could drink enough so that you can skip meals without feeling hunger, but no safe diets would recommend this. It's a very bad, unhealthy idea. But, whenever tempted to reach for a fruit juice or soft drink, reach for the water instead.

To get a LOT more information on safe diets, zip over to my website. Get yourself enrolled in my "Fast Weight Loss Tips!" mini-course while it's still being offered for free.

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